
Modern Foreign Languages - Spanish

Mr Clarke

MFL Lead

Nosotros Podemos hablar espanol! We speak Spanish!


Why teach Spanish?

  • Learning a new language is fun!
  • It’s best to start early - primary pupils are very receptive to learning a new language.
  • It develops self-confidence. Children gain a great sense of accomplishment from learning to say something in a foreign language – it’s like learning to crack a code!
  • It enriches and enhances children’s mental development. Learning a foreign language actually increases the density of ‘grey matter’ in the brain and the number of synapses, that interconnect parts of the brain.
  • It improves children’s understanding of English. Children use what they learn in one language to reinforce what they’ve learned in another.
  • It encourages positive attitudes to foreign languages.
  • It broadens children’s horizons. Learning about festivals and traditions from countries where the language is spoken helps children appreciate other cultures so that they can take a place in our global society.
  • It helps children think about their later careers . Primary school might seem a bit early to start thinking about what career a child might have as an adult. However, as the world becomes more global, businesses and public organisations will need more people who can communicate in other languages, and are aware of different cultures.
  • It’s great if you go on holiday or meet someone from another country!

How do we teach Spanish?

We use a resource called ‘Early Start Spanish’ that introduces children to the language, culture and customs of Spain and Latin-America. It enables teachers to learn alongside their pupils if they don’t speak Spanish. Luckily, we have an experienced Spanish teacher on the staff to help us!


What difference does learning about Spanish make?

Children will:

  • Understand and respond to spoken and written Spanish from a variety of authentic sources.
  • Speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say, including through discussion and asking questions.
  • Begin to write for different purposes and audiences, using the grammatical structures that they have learnt.

Bude Primary Academy - Juniors
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