
Curriculum Overview

At Bude Primary Juniors, we have an ambitious, knowledge rich curriculum which supports our children to be ready, respectful and safe in their future. We want our children to emerge as confident, compassionate and engaged individuals, ready to contribute proactively and positively to the world. 

Our curriculum centres on High-Quality Texts as the core pillar, around which six deliberately chosen pillars are interconnected: Values, Vocabulary, Pedagogy, Context, Experience and Knowledge. 

Each pillar has been further considered and broadened to form a cohesive and comprehensive framework of intent for our children.

We refine our curriculum narrative across each year to ensure a logical and coherent sequence aligned with the knowledge and skills of the National Curriculum Programs of Study.

The curriculum is underpinned by six deliberately chosen Core Values: Liberty, Rule of Law, Responsibility, Tolerance, Respect and Democracy. These provide an overarching framework for thinking and learning.

The narrative drivers for our curriculum are History and Geography. Whilst they are taught discretely, where appropriate they provide the context for other subjects.  

High quality texts are at the heart of our curriculum. Alongside carefully curated texts which align with our knowledge led curriculum, we also write our own text to support the reading and engagement across the curriculum.

Bude Primary Academy - Juniors
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