
Our Staff

* Our Head of School
Mr Pritchard DSL, Writing, Geography & Computing Lead
* Our Assistant Head of School
Mrs Askham DDSL, Maths, R.E., PSHE & RSE Lead
* Our Pastoral Team
Mrs Goodearl (SENDco) DDSL, Emma Thomas (Family Support Adviser) DDSL, Jackie Birchmore (Pastoral Support Advisor), Trina Copplestone (Lead TIS Practitioner/ Anti-bullying Ambassador)
* Our Teaching Staff / Subject Leads 
Poppy class (our ARB)  - Mrs Goodearl
Year 3 - Mrs Stickney - Science & Art Lead
Year 3 - Ms Perri-Khoo (on maternity leave) / Miss Hastings
Year 4 - Mr Baker-Hale
Year 4 - Miss Nickels - Design & Technology Lead
Year 5 - Mr Osborne - Writing Lead
Year 5 - Mr Clarke - Music & MFL Lead
Year 6 - Mr Bevan - PE Lead, Get Active Lead
Year 6 - Mrs Kington - Reading, History & Outdoor Lead
Cover teacher - Mrs Miles - Early Reading Lead
* Admin Team
Ms N Webb - Administrator
Mrs Rice - Administrator
Please visit our class pages for information on class teams.

Bude Primary Academy - Juniors
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