
Attendance & Absence

Please help us and your child by ensuring that their attendance remains above 95%. We would like all pupils to be in school, on time and ready to learn every day. Every day counts!
There are 195 non school days in a school year = 195 year for family holidays, visitors, shopping, routine medial appointments and family time. The rest of the time, unless your child is poorly, we require them to be in school. The academic year can be downloaded from the home page of this website by clicking the link below. 
For exceptional circumstances we ask that an Attendance Application is made to the Head of School.  This form can be found at the bottom of the page. It essential that all requests for ‘leave of absence’ are made well in advance to enable time to check reasons, evidence and previous attendance information. Do not assume that authorisation will be given. 
Penalty Notices: The guidance for issuing penalty notices for unauthorised absence has been states that: Penalty Notices can only be issued in cases where a pupil of compulsory school age has been absent from school and the absence has not been authorised or where a pupil arrives persistently late. The minimum level of absence necessary is 10 or more school sessions (5 days) in any 100 day period. Prosecution under the Education Act should be considered as an alternative where 20 or more sessions of unauthorised absence occur. This guidance is intended to be used in tackling parentally condoned absence where it is reasonable to expect that a parent can ensure the child’s regular attendance but are not willing to take responsibility for doing so. 

Unplanned Absences: Should you child be absent without prior warning, we will attempt to contact you to ensure your child's whereabouts and safety.


Illness: We appreciate that illness happens and that sometimes a child is too poorly to come to school. In this instance, please can you let school know, at your most earliest convenience.
  1. Please call Bude Primary Academy on: 01288 352731
Please leave a clear message explaining why your child will be absent on that day. We must record the reason for absence so you may been called back if more specific information is required.


Returning to school after illness: Please note in instances of sickness and/or diarrhoea, please keep your child off school for 48 hours, timed from the last occurrence. 


One-off Medication in school: We can only administer prescribed medication to children if: 

  • The medicine is labelled with the child's name and dose 

  • The timing of the dose is not critical 

Medication will be dispensed by a member of the class team at playtime or lunch time. Where medicine has to be given four times a day ensure that only one dose is required during the school day. Parents should collect any medicines from the class at the end of the school day.

Medical appointments: We ask that were possible you book routine medical appointments outside of the school day. However, If you need to take your child out of school for any length of time to attend a medical appointment, then the school office must be notified in advance. We also ask to see the letter confirming the date and time of the medical appointment. Please ensure that, where possible, medical appointments are made outside of school time. 


Holidays: As we want the best for our children, we would like to work with you to achieve 100% attendance. Young children’s brains develop rapidly, which is why poor attendance quickly affects your child’s progress. Holidays in term time will not be authorised under any circumstances.  Absences will be recorded as 'unauthorised' on the register. 


If you are taking your child out of school for a holiday, or any other event, then an Attendance Application must be filled in prior to the absence. 

Bude Primary Academy - Juniors
School website design by eSchools. Content provided by Bude Primary Academy - Juniors. All rights reserved. 2025